Don’t you appreciate a person who wants to learn and is willing to change? These people usually possess five admirable characteristics:
1. They possess the ability to be “grabbed” by an idea and not let go until they get a good grasp of it.
This involves curiosity and courage. Just wanting to know more isn’t enough for these people. They take the step out of their comfort zone to actually delve into a fresh concept.
2. They recognize that they don’t already know everything.
How tragic it is to see someone who won’t try anything different or won’t learn anything new because they think they already know everything they need to know. These people get old long before their time.
3. They don’t just absorb information, but they chew on, digest it and figure out how the information can become meaningful to them.
These people, like Agatha Christie’s Hercule Poirot, never let their “little gray cells” go idle.
4. They realize that just hearing or seeing something once doesn’t give them the whole picture.
They are willing to be patient and practice new ideas/skills until they understand them. A negative knee-jerk reaction to a new idea doesn’t mean the idea is bad, just that it hasn’t been thought through.
5. They have the courage to take intellectual risks.
These learners understand that not every idea or skill they learn is going to be incorporated into their lives, but that doesn’t stop them from learning. The true learner knows how to sort through all the information, discarding what is unnecessary and keeping what is useful.
This year take the opportunity to brand yourself as a learner.
Lifeway offers more than 100 conference opportunities for you and other learners in your church to be exposed to new ideas, skills and opportunities for fun.
What do you want to learn this year?
- Do you need to know how to reach out to the changing community? Consider going to TRANSFORM … Lives Through Teaching.
- Do you have a college ministry that needs some new ideas? Collegiate Week might be just what you need.
- Do you have kids in your church who need some fun and spiritual growth this summer? There are tons of different camp options!
- Do you need some “sweetheart time,” a get-away with your very patient spouse? Attend one of the marriage events, maybe the Valentine Weekend Retreat, Festival of Marriage or Marriage Impact.
So, get up, get out and go learn!
Lifeway Events Registration For more information or to register for 2012 conferences: Phone (800) 254-2022