Please note, Lifeway’s Media Relations Team will respond only to members of the news media. Please direct questions regarding product orders and event registration to Customer Service. For store advertising, product placement or other issues not specifically related to news events or media coverage, please request advertising information.
Jon Wilke
Media Relations Manager and Lifeway spokesperson
Jon is the primary contact for media inquiries. He handles all media questions regarding corporate initiatives, stories and releases.
Contact Jon: [email protected] | 615-251-2797 office | 270-293-7818 mobile
Marty King
Director of Communications and Lifeway spokesperson
Marty handles media questions regarding Lifeway’s relationship with the Southern Baptist Convention and inquiries related to the Office of the President or the Executive Leadership Team.
Contact Marty: [email protected] | 615-251-2307 office | 615-585-0033 mobile