This year, Lifeway is launching Bible Studies for Life, an ongoing Bible study curriculum for groups of all ages designed around the three main spheres of life: Christ, community and culture. Through the studies, Lifeway desires to develop people who know Christ and His gracious work, are contributing servants in the community of faith, and can effectively engage the culture without losing distinction.
Lifeway Events
Find the most up-to-date information on Lifeway’s events and conferences online. Visit and search for a training or enrichment opportunity by date, type, age group, product family, church strategy, subject, gender, format, ministry role, language, featured speaker, publisher, event length, location and even venue name! Hundreds of opportunities are available for you and your church in 2013.
Turn Your VBS Upside Down
Through every twist, turn and dive, Lifeway’s 2013 VBS, “Colossal Coaster World,” will challenge kids to face their fears and trust God. There’s excitement around every curve as kids learn that God has given them a spirit of power, love and sound judgment. This evangelistic VBS is the ultimate ride. At the end of the week, kids will want to do it all over again! Need ideas for your church’s VBS or Backyard Bible Clubs? VisitLifeWay’s VBS blog and don’t forget to reserve your VBS Super Sampler.
Lifeway Students
With the addition of Student Life to the family of student camps offered by Lifeway, your youth have even more opportunities to experience life change this summer. Choose from more than 360 different weeks and locations available through Fuge Camps and Student Life. Challenge your students to be the hands and feet of Jesus at a summer mission project. Choose from more than 180 weeks of summer missions opportunities through World Changers, P2 Missions and M-Fuge.
The Gospel Project
Some people see the Bible as a collection of stories with morals for life application. But it is so much more than that. The Gospel Project is a Christ-centered curriculum that examines the grand narrative of Scripture and how the gospel transforms the lives of those it touches. Separate study plans for kids, students and adults ensure the proper focus and depth. Sign up to preview a free month of The Gospel Project.
By Communications Staff