NASHVILLE, Tenn. – “The Biblia del Pescador,” published by B&H Español, received the Spanish Evangelical Publishers Association (SEPA) platinum seal in recognition of more than 500,000 copies sold.
“Half a million ‘Biblias del Pescador’ distributed represents hundreds of thousands of fishers of men equipped to lead lives at the feet of Christ,” said Luis Díaz-Pabón, general editor of the “Biblia del Pescador.” “Believers who had never led a life at the feet of Christ are evangelizing in their daily experience.”
Every year SEPA recognizes the highest quality and excellence in the publication, sale and marketing of Christian literature in Spanish. The awards are presented every year during Expolit, the world’s largest Christian music and literature convention.
“Biblia del Pescador” is a unique Bible in Spanish that focuses on evangelism, discipleship and ministry. Released in 2013, its first print run was among the largest for Bibles in B&H history.The Bible contains a broad index, which allows the reader to easily locate the right Bible verse for almost any situation. The index leads to the first verse in a string of verses of a particular topic.
“Its design is simple and easy to use. . . children, young people, the elderly, university professors and pastors use it,” Díaz-Pabónsaid. “Counseling ministries have it next to the telephone to answer the questions posed. In prisons, thousands of inmates take it as their reference manual to God.”
Evangelist Luis Palau said the “Biblia del Pescador” has “the potential to help [Christians] witness in a precious way.”
For more than four decades God has given Diaz-Pabón the privilege to travel throughout Latin America, the United States, Europe and Asia developing evangelistic campaigns and a ministry that helps meet the social and spiritual needs of the people.
“Dr. Diaz-Pabón is currently involved in the work of evangelization and discipleship with the ‘Biblia del Pescador’ in prisons and in the development and design of Fisher of Men resources—support materials for evangelism and discipleship,” said Ariel Irizarry, brand manager of Biblia del Pescador. “Work is being done on the publication of ‘Biblia del Pescador’ in the New International Version and in the RVR60 large print edition, which will be released in February 2019.”
The “Biblia del Pescador” is also available in Portuguese and English.
“I’m not sure there is a Bible style like this in another language, because this Bible is geared for evangelization,” said Spanish theologian Samuel Pagán. “I thank God for this product.”
B&H Español was also named publisher of the year, a recognition granted by all distributors of Spanish Christian literature in the Americas.
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