By Myriah Snyder BRENTWOOD, Tenn. — Lifeway Christian Resources experienced another banner year in 2024, highlighted by the fourth consecutive year of revenue growth, the 100th year of ministry through Vacation Bible School and the largest camps missions offering in recent years. This year, Lifeway President and CEO Ben Mandrell announced Lifeway’s 2030 vision to clarify … [Read more...]
‘CSB Grace Bible for Kids’ is first-of-its-kind Bible for readers with dyslexia
By Lauren Bearry BRENTWOOD, Tenn. — Lifeway’s B&H Publishing Group partnered with 2K/DENMARK and Cambridge University to release the CSB Grace Bible for Kids, a first-of-its-kind Bible for readers with dyslexia, available this fall. According to the International Dyslexia Association, 15-20% of the population has a language-based learning disability. Of the students … [Read more...]
Recent webinar highlights how churches can disciple the next generation
By Myriah Snyder BRENTWOOD, Tenn. — A child, around 12 years old, and her parents walked through the front doors of Bryan Rose’s church one Sunday a few weeks ago. Rose, Auxano’s manager of engagement strategy, and his wife were serving as greeters and welcomed the family. As they spoke with them at the first-time guest table, Rose asked the daughter, “Do you want to go to … [Read more...]
5 quick tips for VBS follow-up
By Melita Thomas BRENTWOOD, Tenn. — The days and weeks immediately following VBS are the most crucial for outreach. But so often this critical element seems to fall through the cracks. We all have good intentions for connecting with children and families again after VBS, but then the aftermath of VBS kicks in. The excitement of VBS is over; people are tired; life returns to … [Read more...]
Lifeway’s 2025 VBS theme ‘Magnified!’ leads kids to explore God’s greatness
By Marissa Postell Sullivan BRENTWOOD, Tenn — God is beyond our complete understanding, yet we can know Him and have a personal relationship with Him. He keeps the world turning yet is never too busy for us. He created massive galaxies, yet still gave even the tiniest creature incredible detail. How can all these things be true? Next summer, kids will explore … [Read more...]