By Aaron Wilson NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- When Jesse Florea glances out his office window at the patchwork display of fall colors surrounding the snowcapped summit of Pikes Peak in Colorado, he’s reminded of the power of worldviews. “Someone with an atheistic worldview might look at those mountains and say, ‘Billions of years of erosion and tectonic plate movement made some … [Read more...]
Nonreligious Americans see evidence of creator
By Lisa Cannon Green NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Life didn’t just happen, most Americans say—and a surprising number of nonreligious people agree. More than 4 in 10 of the nonreligious believe physics and humanity point to a creator, Lifeway Research finds. A third say human morality indicates a creator who defines right and wrong. And although the nonreligious are less likely … [Read more...]