By Aaron Earls NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- Most churches have found a way to continue meeting despite the ongoing pandemic, but fewer met in person in January as COVID-19 cases spiked across the country. A new study from Nashville-based Lifeway Research found 76% of U.S. Protestant pastors say their churches met in person in January, down from 87% who said the same in … [Read more...]
COVID-19 Bringing Christmas Changes to Many Americans
By Aaron Earls NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- Almost all Americans celebrate Christmas, but most say COVID-19 will cause some changes to their usual holiday habits. A new study from Nashville-based Lifeway Research found 93% of American adults say they celebrate Christmas. That number is essentially unchanged from a decade ago when 91% said the same in a 2010 Lifeway Research … [Read more...]
Most churches cautiously holding services again
By Aaron Earls NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- Churches are gathering again, but services and programs remain drastically different from the beginning of the year. At the start of the COVID-19 outbreak, according to previous surveys from Nashville-based Lifeway Research, Protestant churches across the U.S. stopped gathering in-person in a matter of weeks. The latest Lifeway … [Read more...]
Lifeway creates Church Assistance Package
By Aaron Earls As churches adjust to ministry in a post-COVID-19 world, Lifeway has developed a collection of resources to help congregations. The new Church Assistance Package from Lifeway is available for any congregation around the world and can be accessed at “Lifeway wants to do everything we can to help churches sustain their vital … [Read more...]
Few Protestant churches met in person for worship services in April
By Aaron Earls NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- As federal, state and local governments weigh relaxing stay-at-home guidelines, most churches continued to avoid gathering physically throughout April. Nine in 10 Protestant pastors say their congregations did not meet for an in-person worship service last month, according to a new study from Nashville-based Lifeway Research. A … [Read more...]