By Aaron Earls NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- American Jews and African Americans often worked side by side during the civil rights movement, including when rabbis walked with Martin Luther King Jr. in the march to Selma in 1965. In more recent years, however, the relationship has become more complicated due to conflicts between the nation of Israel and Palestinians and the … [Read more...]
More than a few evangelicals have Jewish friends and family
By Bob Smietana NASHVILLE, Tenn.— American evangelicals are known for their support of the nation of Israel—believing God promised that land to the Jewish people. But they also have some more personal motivations. One in 3 has Jewish friends. And a few have Jewish ethnicity. Two percent of Americans with evangelical beliefs—an estimated 871,000 adult Americans—also … [Read more...]
Support of Israel wanes among younger evangelicals
By Bob Smietana NASHVILLE, Tenn.—Older American evangelicals love Israel—but many younger evangelicals simply don’t care, according to a new survey from Nashville-based Lifeway Research. Three-quarters (77 percent) of evangelicals 65 and older say they support the existence, security and prosperity of Israel. That drops to 58 percent among younger evangelicals, those 18 … [Read more...]
Most Hispanic Christians ambivalent toward Israel
By Bob Smietana NASHVILLE, Tenn.—Hispanic evangelicals, Mainline Protestants and Catholics are more likely to say the nation of Israel has the right to exist than the average American. They worry about the fate of Christians in the Palestinian territories and sympathize with both Palestinians and Israelis. But the Bible, most say, has little to do with how they see … [Read more...]
American evangelicals stand behind Israel
By Bob Smietana NASHVILLE, Tenn. — American evangelicals remain among the strongest supporters of the nation of Israel. Most believe God has plans for that nation, both now and in the future. And many of America’s preachers say Christians need to support Israel. Those are among the findings of a study of American attitudes toward Israel and the Bible from … [Read more...]